This webpage wasn't built with mobile devices in mind since it's a lot harder to actually accomplish anything on small touch screen devices. There are probably tons of bugs and stuff will definitely look weird but you can still continue to the site by clicking the button below. Just know that this webpage will look and work a lot better on a computer.
Welcome to HTML Studio!
Style Sheets
Changes saved to Drive
Connect to
Google Drive
Signed in as
User Name
(User Email)
Connect HTML Studio to Google Drive™
  • Open and edit HTML files in Google Drive
  • Save documents to Google Drive
  • Access Drive documents on other computers
Could not connect to Google
⮟ ⮟ ⮟
This document was just deleted somewhere else and all changes made to this document are not being saved. Do you want to re-save this document or permanently delete it?
Hide from Recents
Re-add to Recents
Delete Document
Re-save Document
No, Don't Delete
Yes, Delete
Document Recovered
There was an error while uploading the document to Google Drive. It is now being saved in Temporary Storage instead.
Attempts made: #
Error code: ###
Try Again
Something went wrong. This file's Google document could not be found. It is still saved in Temporary Storage. To re-save to a Google document, use File > Save > Google Drive.
Saved to Drive
You are no longer connected to the Internet. Your document has automatically been moved to Temporary Storage so you can continue editing offline. All changes will be uploaded to Drive after you reconnect.
Open File

Open a file from your computer or Google Drive to edit in a new tab.

Local File
Google Drive
Click to open a file
or drag and drop one in here
Connect to Google Drive
Connect HTML Studio to Google Drive
  • Open and edit HTML files in Google Drive
  • Save document to Google Drive
  • Access Drive documents on other computers
Could not connect to Google
Sign In
Select a file from Drive
This file format is not allowed. Only HTML and plain text files can be opened.
The file could not be read. Try switching/updating your browser.
There was a problem connecting to Google. Make sure you have an Internet connection and try again.
You can only open files you are allowed to edit. Request edit access from the document's owner (Owner Name to edit in HTML Studio.
There was a problem retrieving information for this file. Make sure you have an Internet connection and try again, or open another file.
Selected File:

No File Selected

Open a file above
Open File
Edit Node as HTML/XML
Edit Node Attributes
Create New File

Create a new file to edit in another tab.

Connect to Google Drive
Connect HTML Studio to Google Drive
  • Open and edit HTML files in Google Drive
  • Save document to Google Drive
  • Access Drive documents on other computers
Could not connect to Google
Sign In
There was a problem connecting to Google. Make sure you have an Internet connection and try again.
There was a problem retrieving information for the new file. Make sure you have an Internet connection and try again, or create another file.
Create New File
Edit Styles
Save Styles
Pasting Problems

Unfortunately, pasting elements isn't fully supported by your browser yet. You can fix this by updating/changing your browser, or following the steps below to achieve the same result.

  1. Copy an element, or any HTML markup, to insert into an element.
  2. Right click the element you want to paste the HTML element into.
  3. Select   Edit as HTML… from the context menu.
  4. Find the spot you want to insert the element at.
  5. Paste your HTML element the way you would normally paste text. (Right Click > Paste or Ctrl + V)

Clipboard Shortcuts

Your browser does not support this action through the context menu. Use the following shortcuts instead:

Ctrl + C Ctrl + X Ctrl + V
Copy Cut Paste
About HTML Studio

HTML Studio

Version 2.0.1 beta

Made by Christian Figueroa


Report an Issue



Copyright 2017 Christian Figueroa <>

HTML Studio is licensed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. View the webpages linked below for the full license.

Plain Text
Create New Style Sheet

Create CSS rules below, give your new style sheet a name to remember it by, and save it.

Save Style Sheet
Edit Style Sheet

Edit the style sheet styles below or click a to select all elements matching the corresponding CSS selector.

Save Style Sheet
Add New Child

Select the name of the node to insert.


*Adjacent text nodes are automatically combined

Position the node relative to its siblings.

Insert Node
Save File

Download the current document as an HTML or PDF file or save it to Google Drive.

File Format
Text Format
Extra Options
Local File
Google Drive
An error occurred while saving to Google Drive. Make sure you have an Internet connection and try again.
The file was successfully saved in Drive.
Connect to Google Drive
Connect HTML Studio to Google Drive
  • Open and edit HTML files in Google Drive
  • Save document to Google Drive
  • Access Drive documents on other computers
Could not connect to Google
Sign In
Edit Selected Element Color

Change the color of selected elements.

Color #1
Color #2

Live Preview

This is what a selected element will look like.
Restore Default
Move File to Drive Storage?

This document is in Temporary Storage, but was previously being saved to a document in Google Drive. Do you want to keep this document in Temporary Storage or move it back into Google Drive Storage?

Move to Drive Storage
Keep in Temporary Storage
Full Storage

Your storage is full! Only 5 MB of data are allowed in your storage. Any changes you make to the document might not be saved. Save the current document to Google Drive to save space in storage and continue editing. (---OR---) Nothing will be uploaded to Google Drive until you reconnect to the Internet.

Save to Drive
Continue without Saving
You can only edit the ID of one element at a time.
You can only edit the HTML of one element at a time.

Welcome to HTML Studio!

A web app to create custom HTML files by interacting directly with the document and its nodes

HTML Studio lets you build custom webpages easily by letting you interact and edit all the elements on the webpage. Try double clicking on this paragraph. Now you can start changing the text inside the paragraph right away! When you're done, click on anything else and press Ctrl + Z or ⌘ + Z to undo.

Now click on this paragraph and right click on it to see all the options available to edit elements on the page. Click on an element again to deselect it. For more help getting started, hover over the blue HTML Studio logo in the top left corner and click Help.

Once you've gotten the hang of things, use File > New to create a new file and start making your own HTML documents. You can also open an existing HTML file using File > Open. Sign into Google Drive™ using the Drive icon in the top right corner to access and edit files in your Google Drive. Once you're done, save the document as an HTML file using File > Save.